June 27
National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was first observed on June 27, 1995. This is a day to encourage people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and get linked to care and treatment.
The theme for 2024, “Level up your self-love: check your status” emphasizes valuing yourself, showing yourself compassion and respect, and honoring your health needs with self-love. Knowing your HIV status helps you choose options to stay healthy. Visit CDC’s NHTD page in English and Spanish to learn more.
HIV testing, including self-testing, is the pathway to engaging people in care to keep them healthy, regardless of their test result. People who receive a negative test result can take advantage of HIV prevention tools such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), condoms, and other sexual health services such as vaccines and testing for sexually transmitted infections. People who receive a positive test result can rapidly start HIV treatment (antiretroviral therapy, or ART) to stay healthy.
Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative continue to guide efforts to help us reach all people who can benefit from HIV prevention and care. HIV self-testing like Together TakeMeHomeExit Disclaimer (TTMH) helps provide free testing to people who do not have easy access to in-person testing services and can reduce stigma for those who may be reluctant to go for an in-person HIV test. You can also view Together TakeMeHome hereExit Disclaimer in Spanish. You can find more information about HIV testing on our HIV Testing Overview page.
America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) is one tool people can use to help inform the planning of strategies that could increase HIV testing and help reduce disparities.

As part of NHTD, please use the hashtag #HIVTestingDay on your social media channels and communicate to your audiences that there are many options for getting tested for HIV. HIV testing is a critical tool to help us end the HIV epidemic in the United States. We appreciate everything you contribute to help us achieve this goal.
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Federal News and Resources

Participate in the CDC’s NHTD webinar on June 13: Register hereExit Disclaimer.
Read about Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.
Learn more about the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022–2025), which calls on the importance of increasing knowledge of HIV status.
Read this blog highlighting resources for the day.
Reach out to stophivtogether@cdc.gov to request additional information or materials regarding Together TakeMeHomeExit Disclaimer.
Share the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign's social media graphics and posts for National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) to help emphasize and encourage HIV testing.
CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign is the national campaign of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Together is an evidence-based campaign created in English and Spanish. It aims to empower communities, partners, and healthcare providers to reduce HIV stigma and promote HIV testing, prevention, and treatment.
To highlight the amazing work being done in communities across the country to help reach the goals detailed in NHAS 2022-2025, HIV.gov launched #NHASeverywhere, a social media effort to spotlight organizations and their ongoing work in communities that align with the NHAS. Each story highlights an example of the collective efforts needed across the nation to end the HIV epidemic.
Check out these awareness and education campaigns from across the government.
Get Involved

- Use the U.S. Business Action to End HIV’s Playbook for EmployersExit Disclaimer. The Playbook highlights several actions employers can take to increase awareness about and uptake of HIV testing.
- Follow @HIVgovExit Disclaimer and use #HIVTestingDay.

- NHTD logo: English PNG (96 KB) Espanol PNG (63 KB)
- HIV.gov branded NHTD logo: PNG (74 KB)
- HIV Testing & Care Service Locator: PNG (842 KB)
- NHTD graphicsExit Disclaimer from Greater Than AIDS.
- HIV.gov and Let’s Stop HIV Together co-branded NHTD graphic: JPG (956 KB)
Use the Badge Code:
<a href="https://www.hiv.gov/events/awareness-days/hiv-testing-day"><img alt="National HIV Testing Day June 27" width="200" height="200" src="https://files.hiv.gov/s3fs-public/badge-national-hiv-testing-day.jpg" /></a>
Learn about the Epidemic

Other Resources