What Is the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund?
The Minority HIV/AIDS Fund is transforming HIV prevention, care, and treatment for communities of color by: bringing federal, state, and community organizations together to design and test innovative solutions that address critical emerging needs; and by working to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of federal investments in HIV programs and services for racial and ethnic minorities.
The Fund improves our national response to HIV in multiple ways, including through support for Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, a federal initiative designed to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States by 75 percent over five years and 90 percent by 2030. To build the foundation for the initiative, the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) is allocating approximately $29 million from the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund.
The Minority HIV/AIDS Fund also improves prevention, care, and treatment for racial and ethnic minorities through:
Innovation: The Fund designs and tests innovative programs and strategies to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the impact of HIV programs in racial and ethnic minority communities.
Systems Change: Successes generated by the Fund are integrated into existing efforts, creating lasting changes across the federal HIV prevention, care, and treatment portfolio.
Strategic Partnerships & Collaboration: The Fund breaks down program silos and develops new ways for federal, state, and local agencies to work together in the community to improve outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities.

Examples of innovative project activities recently supported by the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund include:
- Implementing best practices to address long-standing and critical emerging issues in order to improve HIV prevention and care for racial and ethnic minorities at highest risk for HIV
- Expanding the capacity of the HIV prevention and care workforce to address the needs of the highest-risk racial and ethnic minorities
- Improving access to HIV prevention and care services for underserved racial and ethnic minorities
- Providing new avenues for agencies to work together and break down silos in HIV prevention and care programs for racial and ethnic minorities
- Promoting lasting changes across the federal HIV prevention and care portfolio that improve HIV-related outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities