2011 Nonprofit Technology Conference
We attended the 2011 Nonprofit Technology ConferenceExit Disclaimer (NTC) sponsored by the Nonprofit Technology NetworkExit Disclaimer (NTEN) last week, along with hundreds of nonprofit organizations from across the country. This year 2,000+ people attended, making for the largest NTC ever. There was a of diverse group of presenters and attendees, including Dan HealthExit Disclaimer, co-author of Switch: How to Change Things When Change is HardExit Disclaimer , who gave a plenary talk on organizational change and Moira GunnExit Disclaimer, host of the weekly NPR show, Tech NationExit Disclaimer, who conducted a live interview with Congresswoman Donna Edwards where we discussed some of the tools and strategies that HIV.gov uses to reach to diverse audiences, including our Facing AIDS online photo sharing and mobile, who works on the CDC en Español session, and Alex Bernardin, Digital Content Manager at the San Francisco AIDS FoundationExit Disclaimer about how they are using new media to reach, serve, and collaborate with their audiences.
There were a number of health organizations represented at the conference this year, and we look forward to seeing this presence grow. Keep an eye out for a specific focus on health at future conferences as we saw at SXSWiExit Disclaimer, which one of our colleagues wrote about here and slidesExit Disclaimer are available online. The next NTC is April 3-5, 2012 in San Francisco, CAExit Disclaimer. Will we see you there?