August 25
August 25, 2024, is National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness DayExit Disclaimer (NFHAAD). NFHAAD is a day to engage faith communities to work together for HIV/AIDS education, prevention, treatment, care, and support, and to reduce and eliminate stigma and discrimination.
Reaching All HIV+ Muslims in America (RAHMAExit Disclaimer) and its partners have led the events of this awareness day across the nation, reaching thousands of people of various faiths across the United States to take a stand against stigma in their congregations to help raise awareness about HIV. RAHMA and its partners lead the planning for NFHAADExit Disclaimer . RAHMA held the first NFHAAD observance in 2017.
Faith communities are encouraged to learn about the status of HIV funding in their state, nationally, and internationally, and take action to sustain and increase HIV prevention, treatment, and care services for all who require them. Faith communities fighting for freedom and fairness together can end HIV-related stigma and discrimination—one day, each year, until there is a cure!
To learn more about NFHAAD or to connect with observances happening in your area, visit www.faithaidsday.comExit Disclaimer and follow the hashtag #NFHAAD on social media.
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Learn about the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and Ending the Epidemic in the U.S. .
Use the hashtag #NFHAAD.
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Many federal agencies collaborate with faith communities to respond to public health issues including HIV.