The 2017 Awareness Days Blogs that Mattered to You
Continuing our review of our most popular blogs in 2017, we recently looked at visits to the awareness day category. Here’s the top 10 blogs:
- Looking Ahead to World AIDS Day 2017
- Frequency of HIV Testing and Time from Infection to Diagnosis Improve
- Test Your Way. Do It Today. Get Tested for HIV.
- They Lived to Fight Another Day: Honoring HIV Long-Term Survivors
- HIV Treatment Is Revolutionizing HIV Prevention
- Ready for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day? Digital Communication Resources
- Supporting Digital Communication for World AIDS Day
- Reaching Digital Youth with Digital Tools: National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day 2017
- Where Are Those Resources For National HIV Testing Day?
- Facebook Live: Upping Your Social Media Game for World AIDS Day 2017
These blogs represent three types of observance day related posts:
News blogs announce an awareness day theme or share data and other insights on the state of the epidemic and our collective response to the epidemic. The Looking Ahead to World AIDS Day 2017 blog is an example of a news post.
Story blogs share insights about and from members of an affected population recognized at an observance day. They Lived to Fight Another Day: Honoring HIV Long-Term Survivors is the top example here.
Digital resource blogs highlight new and existing assets for an observance day available for AIDS service organizations and community based organizations to use. Ready for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day? Digital Communication Resources was the most visited blog of this type.
The team will continue to post these types of blogs for the observances listed on the calendar. If you’re planning for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD - February 7, 2018,) please read this recent blog about our video with tips for using social media effectively for HIV observances. Entitled “Upping Your Social Media Game for World AIDS Day 2017”, the video can inform your approach to communication for any observance. And soon, we will post our blog about digital resources for NBHAAD 2018.
P.S. Don’t miss an observance day. Here’s how to subscribe to get all our blog articles.