2021 RWHAP Client Level Data Report Released

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau’s (HAB) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Client-Level Data Report, 2021(PDF, 3.63MB) is now available. The report features RWHAP Services Report (RSR) data on all clients served by the RWHAP Parts A, B, C, and D during calendar years 2017 through 2021.
The publication provides an in-depth look at demographic and socioeconomic factors among clients served. In addition, retention in care and viral suppression data are presented for the overall RWHAP client population receiving medical care, as well as among key priority populations served by the RWHAP. Together, these data highlight the key role of the RWHAP in providing high-quality care and treatment services and emphasizes the importance of continuing and expanding this work for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative.
The report shows more than 576,000 clients received services through the RWHAP in 2021. In addition, clients receiving RWHAP medical care were virally suppressed at a record level – 89.7% – in 2021. This means that clients receiving medical care through the RWHAP are reaching and maintaining viral suppression and cannot sexually transmit HIV to their partner, which is a critical component of ending the HIV epidemic in the United States.