5 New Funding Opportunities from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: January 29, 20143 min read

HRSA logoThe Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) recently announced five new funding opportunities through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Below are brief descriptions of each announcement, application deadlines, and links for more information.

Resource/TA Center for HIV Prevention and Care for Black MSM – HRSA-14-106

HRSA/HAB has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement for a two-year cooperative agreement to compile, distribute, and replicate effective models for HIV clinical care and treatment for adult and young Black men who have sex with men (MSM). The project will: 1) inventory existing evidence-based interventions and strategies and; 2) identify and disseminate best practices and effective models of care for Black MSM, including young Black MSM ages 13 to 24. Applications are due February 21, 2014. For more information or to apply, visit https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=250035.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement – HRSA-14-083

This grant program will provide technical assistance to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B grantees on developing and maintaining comprehensive systems of care, monitoring subgrantees, and implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This grant program will also provide technical assistance to the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) on the implementation of cost-containment strategies, financial modeling, waitlist management, and ACA implementation. All applications are due February 26, 2014. To view the full opportunity, visit: www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249577.

System-level Workforce Capacity Building for Integrating HIV Primary Care in Community Health Care Settings – Demonstration Sites – HRSA-14-055

This announcement solicits applications for FY 2014 Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Program initiative to support organizations to promote the design, implementation, and evaluation of system-level change in staffing structures that improve health outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum. All applications are due March 10, 2014. To view the full opportunity, visit www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249905.

System-level Workforce Capacity Building for Integrating HIV Primary Care in Community Health Care Settings – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center Cooperative Agreement – HRSA-14-058

A second announcement soliciting applications for FY 2014 to support a single organization that will serve as an Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC) for a new Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program SPNS Program initiative. This opportunity will provide funding to one organization to evaluate and provide technical assistance to up 15 demonstration projects funded under the previous announcement. All applications are due March 10, 2014. To view the full opportunity, visit https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249906.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part F Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP) – HRSA-14-098
This announcement solicits applications for the Part F Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP) to expand HIV services and education and training. These services target low-income, underserved people living with HIV/AIDS. DRP improves access to oral health care services for patients with HIV and trains dental and hygiene students and dental residents to deliver HIV/AIDS dental care. All applications are due February 26, 2014. To view the full opportunity, visit www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249673.