AHEAD Dashboard: Understanding the Sources of EHE Indicator Data
Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) is a whole-of-society initiative to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. When America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) is launched next month, it will graphically visualize data on the six EHE HIV indicators for the 57 jurisdictions prioritized in the federal initiative. These areas include 48 counties, Washington, DC, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, where more than 50% of new HIV diagnoses occurred in 2016 and 2017, and seven states with a substantial number of new HIV diagnoses in rural areas. The dashboard also displays state data for the 21 states in which EHE counties are located. The data for the nation and phase 1 jurisdictions visualized on AHEAD will be our starting point for measuring progress toward ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S.
HIV indicator data are the backbone of the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, enabling us to measure progress against common goals, prioritize resources effectively, and assess gaps in prevention efforts. Identifying the sources of these data can help users better understand the information. Tracking community-led progress is key.
The data for five of the six indicators (HIV incidence, knowledge of HIV status, HIV diagnoses, linkage to HIV care and viral suppression) are based on information from cases of HIV infection reported by jurisdictions to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS), after the removal of personally identifiable information. Data from NHSS are used to estimate HIV incidence and knowledge of HIV status.
The sixth indicator, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) coverage, reported as a percentage, uses 4 data sources. IQVIA, a pharmacy database is used as the data source for the numerator, which is the number of persons classified as having been prescribed PrEP. Three data sources are used for the denominator to estimate the number of persons with indications for PrEP - American Community Survey (ACS), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), and the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS). Additionally, in one instance, Puerto Rico ACS is used in combination with NHANES and NHSS to estimate a PrEP coverage denominator for Puerto Rico.
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