AIDS 2012: HIV in Gay and Bisexual Men

The impact of the HIV epidemic on gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) around the world has received considerable attention at the XIX International AIDS ConferenceExit Disclaimer (AIDS 2012). The LancetExit Disclaimer (the British medical journal) distributed a special issueExit Disclaimer on MSM across the globe to more than 20,000 conference attendees. The issue explores the unique aspects of the HIV epidemic in MSM, addresses the unique challenges faced by Black MSM around the world, and discusses ways to curb the HIV epidemic, including treatment-as-prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis.
The journal also hosted a special session at AIDS 2012 on MSM, which featured Mr. Greg Millett, Senior Scientist at the CDC and CDC/HHS Liaison to White House Office of National AIDS Policy. Mr. Millett discussed his recent research on Black MSM in the United States.
To learn more about this important topic, please view the videoExit Disclaimer of The Lancet’s AIDS 2012 Special Session of MSM and HIV and downloadExit Disclaimer the free special issue online.