Anatomy of a Tweet

Content From: TARGET CenterPublished: October 04, 20141 min read
social media lab at usca postcard

AIDS.GovExit Disclaimer is hosting a Social Media Lab, at USCA 2014, providing TA and training on use of new media tools. In the first day of operations, around 20 people dropped by for 15-20 minute one-on-one consults. Their questions vary but fall in two broad categories.

  • First are CBO and communications leads who want to expand use of social media but face lots of HIV/AIDS stigma in their communities. Their questions: How do you use the very public interface of new media when clients are looking at your social channels but don’t want to associate with them in a public way? What’s that mean? No likes and no re-tweets means no traction in engaging with people online.
  • On the other hand are agencies that have no social media tools (AIDS.Gov helped one agency set up their Twitter account at USCA 2014 and go live on the spot) as well as those who want to learn to use their tools more effectively. A key recommendation from AIDS.GovExit Disclaimer: first find out what social media tools your clients are using instead of gravitating toward the latest “in” option.

Drop by the Social Media Lab for hands-on help, October 3, Saturday from 10-2 or 2-5 on Level 4, Room 404, and see AIDS.Gov New Media resources.