CDC Expands Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign™, Launches Spanish Version
This month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expanded the national HIV awareness and anti-stigma campaign, Let’s Stop HIV Together™, including the launch of a Spanish-language version of the campaign, Detengamos Juntos el VIH™. The campaign now includes new participants, more materials in both Spanish and English, and HIV awareness and testing information in Spanish through the new website. Highlights of the expanded campaign include:
New Materials Available on Act Against AIDS Website
Campaign materials are available on the CDC’s Act Against AIDS website.
New English materials available on the campaign website include:
- PSAExit Disclaimer for TV featuring Jamar Rogers from NBC’s The Voice
- 4 personal video stories
- 15 campaign posters
- Brochure
New Spanish materials on the Spanish-language version of the Act Against AIDS website include:
- Public Service AnnouncementsExit Disclaimer (PSAs) for radio and TV
- 3 personal video stories
- 12 campaign posters
- Brochure and palm card
Detengamos Juntos el VIH™ Activities in Local Areas
Campaign activities conducted with local health departments and community-based organizations are taking place in selected cities—Los Angeles and Miami initially. In these cities, a full range of advertising —outdoor, transit, online —will promote the new campaign. A Spanish-language PSAExit Disclaimer will also air on local TV and radio stations, and both Spanish and English PSAs will run nationwide.
How You Can Participate
There are a variety of ways that you can get involved in the campaign.
- View the Let’s Stop HIV Together™/Detengamos Juntos el VIH™ digital stories on the Act Against AIDS website and share your thoughts.
- Like the Act Against AIDS Facebook pageExit Disclaimer, share or respond to our posts, and direct others to check out our page and our website.
- Tweet about it. Spread the word about the campaign through Twitter by using the campaign hashtag #StopHIVTogetherExit Disclaimer and by visiting us on the Act Against AIDS Twitter page @TalkHIVExit Disclaimer.
- Make a Let’s Stop HIV Together™ ad and share it!
- The campaign Facebook app allows people to create their own Let’s Stop HIV Together™ ad and share it with their friends, giving anyone with a Facebook account a chance to participate in the campaign by starring in their own digital ad. You can share your ad via a wall post, a Facebook message, or an e-mail.
- Visit Disclaimer.
- Click on the “Create Your Own Ad” tab at the top of the page.
- Insert a photo and three words that describe you.
- Click “Save Ad” and share your ad with others!
- Download digital banner ads in English here and in Spanish here from our campaign website to add to your website.
Let’s Stop HIV Together™ launched in July 2012 and features people living with HIV and their loved ones or friends. The campaign raises awareness about the impact of HIV and reduces stigma by showing that people living with HIV are mothers, fathers, friends, partners, brothers, sisters, coworkers, sons, and daughters. People living with HIV are part of the fabric of our families and valued members of our communities. The campaign is a part of CDC’s Act Against AIDS initiative, which was launched by the White House, the Department of Health and Human Services, and CDC in 2009.