CDC Launches Next Phase of Know More Hepatitis Campaign

Content From: Cynthia Jorgensen, Dr.P.H., Lead, Education and Training, Division of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPublished: January 30, 20153 min read
CDC Infographic 24x36

CDC has just released the next phase of the national Know More Hepatitis campaign. Of the estimated 3.2 million Americans who have Hepatitis C, 3 in 4 are people born from 1945 to 1965. Since as many as 50% of people with Hepatitis C don’t know they are infected, the campaign encourages everyone born from 1945-1965 get tested for Hepatitis C.

The campaign is being implemented using a variety of multi-media channels including print, radio and TV PSAs, as well as airport dioramas, billboards, and transit advertisements. CDC also developed materials to support educational efforts at the local level, including posters, a fact sheet, infographics, live read radio scripts, and buttons and badges.

Help spread the word

We hope you find the Know More Hepatitis campaign materials helpful in encouraging people born 1945-1965 to get tested for hepatitis C. Here are some ideas to help spread the word:

  • Watch, download and share the new video PSA, “Hepatitis C: A Hidden Disease”, which shows that even if you have a healthy life and no symptoms, you could still have Hepatitis C. Available in 30 and 60 seconds.
  • Continue to download and share the video PSA, “Get the Facts about Hepatitis C”, which explains Hepatitis C, who is affected, and how testing and early detection can save lives. Available in 30 and 60 seconds.
  • Play the video and radio PSAs as part of educational sessions, health fairs, or testing events.
  • Download and distribute campaign posters, fact sheets or info graphics at health clinics, community centers, health fairs, or doctor’s offices.
  • Use buttons and badges on your websites to encourage visitors to take CDC’s online Hepatitis Risk Assessment, watch the campaign video PSAs or visit the campaign website.
  • Include the Know More Hepatitis logo in your email signature.
  • Pitch radio PSAs and/or live read radio scripts to local radio stations.
  • Send media alerts to local TV, radio, cable or newspapers to publicize noteworthy events, such as testing days.
  • Ask organizations that have community calendars to promote local testing or awareness events.
  • Email or share CDC’s provider resources with local medical organizations or send directly to primary care providers.
  • Utilize social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to share the campaign website, infographics, resources or publications.
  • Send e-cards to friends, family, and colleagues born from 1945-1965 encouraging them to get tested for Hepatitis C.
Stay Connected
  • Follow @cdchepExit Disclaimer on Twitter for information about all types of hepatitis. Use #KnowHepC and #HepC to join the conversation about the campaign and raise awareness about Hepatitis C in baby boomers.
  • Sign up for GovDelivery email updates from CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis. Sent out about once a month, these emails notify subscribers about new publications, recommendations, new materials or significant events.

Thank you for your continued collaboration and dedication to getting more people born from 1945-1965 tested for Hepatitis C. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for the Know More Hepatitis campaign by emailing us at We look forward to working with you!