CDC Science Brief on Monkeypox Virus Detection and Transmission

Content From: HIV.govPublished: October 18, 20221 min read
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Today, CDC published a science brief on the detection and transmission of monkeypox, summarizing the latest available published research on:

  • Affected populations and clinical presentation;
  • Monkeypox virus in human samples other than skin rash lesions and the implications for transmission;
  • Detection of monkeypox virus on surfaces, materials, and objects; and
  • Detection of monkeypox virus in asymptomatic persons.

The brief summarizes the rapidly evolving science regarding detection of monkeypox virus in various specimen types and the related potential for transmission of the virus. CDC will continue to monitor case data and available science for new or changing information about transmission.

Please read and share this science brief. For the latest information on monkeypox in the U.S., visit