A Chance to Provide Feedback on HIV.gov and AHEAD

At HIV.gov and AHEAD.hiv.gov, your opinion matters. We are in the process of refining our websites to serve you better. You can help us improve them by providing your valuable feedback by participating in user testing.
We’ve been committed to inviting feedback from our users since HIV.gov (formerly AIDS.gov) was launched in 2006. When we first began blogging in 2008, we posted a message about usability with suggestions that are still true today. Our team continuously incorporates our users into our design and development processes—a principle called user-centered design. Frequent usability testing is a way to improve our design, functionality, and content.
Now is your opportunity to let us know what you think. Email contact@hiv.gov today to volunteer to participate in user testing.
HIV.gov collaborates with departments and agencies across the federal government to provide one-stop access to U.S. Government HIV- related information to users. We expand the visibility of timely and relevant federal HIV, programs, and resources and increase knowledge about HIV and access to HIV services for people most at risk for or living with HIV.
Our content also includes:
- COVID-19 and its effect on people with HIV.
- Conferences and webinars of interest to the HIV and viral hepatitis community.
- Events and observances that promote awareness about HIV and viral hepatitis.
America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) displays Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) indicator data for all 50 states with a focus on 57 priority areas. We show EHE data at the community level to highlight our progress as a nation. Using the Dashboard, stakeholders can:
- Measure national and local progress towards 2025 and 2030 goals.
- Identify and learn more about potential service gaps.
- Identify and monitor trends.
- Compare outcomes in other priority areas.
- Evaluate programmatic interventions.
- Inform community plans and grant applications.
We invite you to share your thoughts on both websites by participating in user testing. Email us at contact@hiv.gov today!