Digital Storytelling, Social Media, and More for NYHAAD 2015

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: April 10, 20152 min read

Today’s observance of National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day ) provides our nation with an opportunity to engage young people (and adults) in conversation about the epidemic’s impact on youth. These conversations include sharing stories and facts about the epidemic, and can involve listening to young people and sharing tools for action. This year’s theme is "Engaging Youth Voices in the Response to HIV & AIDS and beyond to engage with youth about HIV.


Digital Storytelling: recently released Positive Spin. This digital storytelling series features the personal experiences of five HIV-positive, gay black men who have successfully navigated the HIV care continuum, from diagnosis to treatment and, ultimately, to viral suppression. Achieving viral suppression helps those with HIV stay healthy, live longer, and dramatically reduce their chances of passing the virus to others.

Among these Positive Spin stories are: Uriah’s story of learning at age 17 that he is HIV-positive and Guy’s story of being a young, black gay man living with HIV. Watch their stories, share them on social media using #mypositivespinExit Disclaimer, and leave us your comments.

Learn the Facts:

Listen and Join the Conversation:

Take Action:

How do you use social media to take part in the conversation about HIV? How are you connecting with youth about HIV?