Eight Digital Resources for National HIV Testing Day 2015

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: June 23, 20153 min read
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June 27 is the 20th annual observance of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). Over the years, the emergence of digital tools has created new ways to communicate about the importance of knowing your HIV status—which is the first step toward living healthy if you have HIV.

Here is a selection of Federal resources to help you get involved with #NHTD:HIV Services LocatorThe HIV.gov HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator to learn how the Locator app works.

HIV Basics On the HIV.gov website’s HIV Basics section, you can find information about what puts you at risk for getting HIV and learn where you can take an HIV test.

If you have been recently diagnosed with HIV, you can find information on what to do next, including resources to help you get connected to care. We also offer information on how you can stay healthy while getting the treatment you need.

Tips and GraphicsHIV.gov is sharing a series of five “Tips for NHTD” on FacebookExit Disclaimer TwitterExit Disclaimer InstagramExit Disclaimer and Pinterest Exit Disclaimer. Share these vibrant images on your website and social media platforms to promote HIV testing, encourage digital storytelling, and highlight digital assets for NHTD. Check out CDC’s tips and graphics, too!

VideosThe latest HIV.gov video addresses the importance of HIV testing. Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, and Director, Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, encourages everyone to “Take the Test. Take Control.”


Positive SpinPositive Spin demonstrates the power of personal storytelling and videos to raise awareness about the HIV care continuum and to encourage people living with HIV to get into treatment. Five black, gay men living with HIV share their experiences along the continuum. In honor of NHTD, learn about knowing your status and connecting to care.

NHTD Awareness Day PageVisit the HIV.gov NHTD Awareness Day page and visit the CDC’s NHTD page.

More Federal Digital ResourcesCDC provides a wide array of HIV-prevention resources. The Act Against AIDS campaigns include several HIV-prevention campaigns. Check out the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign. Download resources from other Act Against AIDS campaigns which focus on gay and bisexual men, racial/ethnic groups with a higher risk for HIV, healthcare providers, and others.

Other Federal campaigns address HIV prevention, treatment, care, and research—and they also include videos and graphics. Be sure to visit CDC.gov for more about NHTD, HIV prevention, and the work of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention.

Go SocialThis year, follow the conversation with the hashtag #NHTDExit Disclaimer Here are the HIV.gov handles that can help you be a part of the digital conversation:FacebookExit DisclaimerTwitterExit DisclaimerInstagramExit DisclaimerPinterestExit DisclaimerYouTubeExit DisclaimerFor more about National HIV Testing Day 2015, subscribe to the HIV.gov blog.