Federal Agencies Highlight Ongoing Efforts to End HIV for World AIDS Day

Content From: HIV.govPublished: December 07, 20202 min read
World AIDS Day logo: Resilience

During the December 1st observance of World AIDS Day 2020, our colleagues across the federal government highlighted their ongoing work to support the goals of Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, which aims to reduce new HIV transmissions by 75% in five years and by 90% in 10 years.

Below we feature video messages from the U.S. Surgeon General and blog posts from three of our federal partners:

Office of the Surgeon General

U.S. Surgeon General VADM Jerome M. Adams commemorated World AIDS Day 2020 with a series of three short videos:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

World AIDS Day 2020: FDA Continues to Drive Advances in Care and Work with the Global Public Health Community—This FDA blog post looks back to the beginning of the AIDS epidemic and highlights the important steps that have helped get us where we are today, looking forward to the day when a cure for HIV can be announced.

National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH

On World AIDS Day, Celebrating Scientific Advances and Confronting the Complexities of HIV and Substance Use—In this blog post, Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, applauds the substantial strides that scientific research has made to help prevent and treat HIV while recognizing the complex challenges that still need to be addressed.

U.S. Department of Justice

Statement by Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband on World AIDS Day—This statement outlines the Department of Justice’s central role in protecting the civil rights of individuals living with HIV and AIDS. It includes the Civil Rights Division’s reaffirmation of its commitment to eradicating discrimination against those living with HIV or AIDS.

This collection complements the continuing coverage of World AIDS Day 2020 on HIV.gov. Watch for a second blog digest about additional federal efforts.