Google+ and YouTube Training Webinar for HIV Community and Others

Content From: Melissa Beaupierre, Senior Director, CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)Published: May 07, 20132 min read
Melissa Beaupierre
Melissa Beaupierre

Join the CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) on May 14 at 2 P.M. (ET) for a live webcast, “In the Know: Google Plus & YouTube for Public Health.” This webcast, the fifth in a series, will explore how public health professionals can effectively tap into the engagement and networking strengths of the quickly growing social media channel, Google Plus, and the popular video sharing site, YouTube. It will feature NPIN social media experts and a special guest from Google who will share best practices, tips and tools for these channels.

“In the Know: Google Plus & YouTube for Public Health” is an interactive, free webcast and will include a slide presentation, Q & A, and success stories from public health partners. Viewers can also follow the conversation or ask questions during the simultaneous Twitter Chat using the hashtag #SM4PH. Register for this webcast to receive the direct link and a reminder.

The final topic of the “In the Know: Social Media for Public Health” series, Social Media Measurement and Evaluation will stream live on June 4 at 2 P.M. (ET).

Visit the CDC NPIN webpage for additional information on the “In the Know: Social Media for Public Health” series and to access archived videos and slides of previous webcasts, which include:

  • Twitter for Public Health—February 19
  • LinkedIn & SlideShare for Public Health—March 12
  • Gaming & Mobile for Public Health—April 2
  • Facebook & Image Sharing (Instagram, Pinterest & Flickr) for Public Health—April 23

The CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) is the reference and referral service for information on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis. Through various initiatives, NPIN supports prevention activities of the four diseases of focus at the national, state, and local levels.

For more information on NPIN services and resources visit and follow NPIN on Twitter @CDCNPIN.