Health 2.0: Digital Technology in Clinical Care

Content From: Sonja Noring, MA, Office of the Medical Director, AIDS Institute, New York State Department of HealthPublished: February 25, 20132 min read
Digital Health 2013

On Friday, March 22, 2013, the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, and the New York Academy of Sciences, will present a one-day conference Health 2.0: Digital Technology in Clinical Care to discuss emerging digital tools and strategies and their impact on health care, particularly related to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Medical labs in a phone, wearable sensors that monitor health 24/7, instant research and “just in time” clinical interventions, virtual patients, virtual nurses, consulting robots, swarms of interactive mobile devices, games, tailored texting, cameras in a pill, and 3-D anatomy lessons – these and other technologies promise dramatic change in medicine.

They will move point of care to wherever the patient is, vastly expand medical knowledge available to clinicians, researchers, and patients, and refocus health systems on wellness.

The conference, for clinicians, researchers, and educators, will be held at the New York Academy of Sciences in downtown Manhattan. CME credit will be available for onsite participants. The event will also be available as a live, interactive webinar, although all presentations may not be webcast. Registration for in person or webinar participation is required.

Presentations will focus on strategies and tools designed to improve patient outcomes, provider communications, clinical decision support, research, and medical education, as well as legal and ethical issues such as privacy and professionalism in ehealth interactions. The event will NOT address electronic health records, meaningful use, or health IT infrastructure.

Speakers are from The Center for Connected Health in Boston, MIT Media Lab, The Health Privacy Project, IBM’s Watson Research Center, the Health Games Research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and academic institutions including Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Northeastern, UC San Francisco, and New York University.For information, including the agenda and registration for the live event or the webinar, please visit Disclaimer and Disclaimer. Follow the event at #digitalhealth on Twitter.

The event is the most recent in a series of activitiesExit Disclaimer, sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. FoundationExit Disclaimer. It is not sponsored by or affiliated with Health 2.0 LLC.