Highlights: CDC National HIV Prevention Conference

Content From: HIV.govPublished: March 27, 20193 min read
Logo for the 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference

Last week, lots of interesting information was shared at the 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference. HIV.gov shared highlights from the conference’s plenary sessions in several blog posts. For your convenience, we’ve summarized our coverage below so you can catch up on any of the posts that you may have missed or share them with your colleagues:

CDC National HIV Prevention Conference Opens with Focus on Ending the HIV Epidemic

Leaders of key federal HIV activities from CDC, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shared their vision and insights on the proposed coordinated federal plan to eliminate HIV in the United States within a decade. They each underscored the vital roles that individuals attending the conference, along with many other stakeholders from communities across the nation, will play in achieving the ambitious but achievable goal. Read more about what CDC Director Robert Redfield, NIH’s Anthony Fauci, and HRSA’s Laura Cheever shared. View the video of the opening plenary sessionExit Disclaimer.

Secretary Azar Addresses CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference

Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar discussed Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, the Administration’s Plan to reduce new infections nationally by 75% in the next five years, and by at least 90% in the next 10 years. The Secretary declared that, today, we have the right data, the right tools, and the right leadership to end the HIV epidemic. This second plenary session also featured thoughts on how we can get to no new HIV infections and a conversation about PrEP. Read more about the Secretary’s address and the other topics explored during this session. View the video of this sessionExit Disclaimer.

Infectious Disease Consequences of the Opioid Crisis Explored at 3rd Plenary Session at CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference featuring Assistant Secretary for Health

The intersection of opioids, substance use, and infectious diseases was the topic of another plenary session. This session featured remarks by Assistant Secretary for Health ADM Brett Giroir, MD, CDC’s Dr. Jonathan Mermin, and others who explored roles for health departments, syringe services programs, health centers, and law enforcement. Read more about the perspectives and recommendations shared during this session. View the video of this sessionExit Disclaimer.

HIV Stigma in Focus at Closing Session of CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference

HIV-related stigma and its impact on HIV-related health disparities were the topic of the final plenary session at CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference. The session examined social and cultural factors that have contributed to stigma, as well as efforts to combat the effects of HIV-related stigma on specific populations. Read about this session. View the video of this sessionExit Disclaimer.

Finally, just as the conference got started, we shared new analysis released by CDC that indicates that the vast majority (about 80 percent) of new HIV infections in the U.S. in 2016 were transmitted from the nearly 40 percent of people with HIV who either did not know they had HIV, or who received a diagnosis but were not receiving HIV care. Read more about how gaps in HIV testing and treatment hinder efforts to stop new infections.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) organized and hosted the conference in Atlanta. The HIV community stakeholders from across the nation who gathered at the conference included state and local health department representatives, team members from community-based organizations, healthcare providers, researchers, advocates, and many more.