
Content From: AIDS.govPublished: January 20, 20142 min read


Caya Lewis Caya Lewis, Counselor to the Secretary for Science and Public Health, HHSToday we celebrate the memory of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to creating a world in which all people would be treated equally.

During his lifetime, Dr. King inspired countless individuals to work toward that end. Over 45 years after his untimely death, his legacy continues to motivate people to work for peace and economic and social justice.

Dr. King’s life was a testament to compassionate action, and we are privileged to work with colleagues who embody this approach to ending HIV/AIDS. In honor of this day, we feature a personal reflection from Caya Lewis, Counselor to the Secretary for Science and Public Health, about her commitment to creating an AIDS-free generation:

Individuals make a real difference in the response to HIV/AIDS—and Dr. King’s late wife and partner, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, spoke eloquently about how we each have a responsibility to become a part of the solution to the epidemic. We leave you with her wise words:

“But, if we are going to end this terrible epidemic, it is time to end the silence, time for good and decent people to become informed about AIDS and become a pro-active part of the solution, instead of being a silent part of the problem. To eradicate AIDS, we must give our medical researchers and scientists all of the support they need to find the cure. But we must first and foremost cure our own hearts of the fear and ignorance that leads to denial and ostracism of our brothers and sisters who have AIDS. The real shame falls not on the people with AIDS, but on those who would deny their humanity.”

Keynote Address - AIDS Memorial Quilt Initiative by Coretta Scott King, October 18,1999 http://gos.sbc.edu/k/king.htmlExit Disclaimer (accessed 1/20/14)