HOPWA Resource Tool Helps Jurisdictions Plan for and Evaluate Housing Needs

A new tool is available to assist Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Phase 1 jurisdictions and stakeholders in evaluating and planning for housing needs for people with HIV. The development of the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Resource Tool was a collaborative effort between the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH), which administers the HOPWA program, and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP).
The HOPWA Resource Tool provides grantee performance data, formula modernization projections, competitive funding estimates, and grantee contact information in a spreadsheet, allowing EHE Phase 1 jurisdictions and HUD partners to more easily identify where HOPWA and EHE resources intersect. It was developed and introduced in early 2020 with webinars for HOPWA grantees in EHE Phase 1 jurisdictions and EHE planners. During its roll out, HOPWA grantees and EHE planners received an individualized, local version of the tool and training on its use.
The HOPWA Resource Tool is now publicly available on the AHEAD Dashboard, with essential information about local HOPWA programs. The tool can help those interested in housing for people with HIV find available information on HOPWA grantees in EHE Phase 1 jurisdictions. The HOPWA Resource Tool data will be updated annually. The tool and all updates are available under the Resources tab of the AHEAD Dashboard and guidance on how to navigate the tool are provided in the “Workbook Guide” tab of the spreadsheet.
For questions about the HOPWA Resource Tool, please contact Erik Hyska at erik.r.hyska@hud.gov.