HRSA Hosts Second Introductory Webinar on the New RWHAP Compass Dashboard on September 16

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) released the new Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Compass DashboardExit Disclaimer last month. This week, we invite you join our second live introductory webinarExit Disclaimer on Thursday, September 16, from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (ET).
This webinar will provide insight on how to use the RWHAP Compass Dashboard in your work, highlight key features, and showcase the data included in the dashboard. RegistrationExit Disclaimer for the webinar is required. A live question and answer session will follow the presentation.
The RWHAP Compass Dashboard is a user-friendly, interactive data tool to visualize the reach and impact of the RWHAP and outcomes among clients served. The dashboard allows users to explore RWHAP client characteristics, such as age, housing status, race and ethnicity, and two health outcomes, viral suppression and retention in care. Users can view these data on a national-, state-, and metropolitan-area level. It also includes information about services received through the RWHAP and characteristics of clients accessing RWHAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) services.
The development of the RWHAP Compass Dashboard occurred with extensive input and collaboration from RWHAP recipients and subrecipients as well as federal and non-federal staff. By increasing program transparency and the ability to interact with RWHAP data for decision-making, the RWHAP Compass Dashboard supports HRSA HAB’s vision to provide optimal HIV care and treatment for all to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.
Visit to access the RWHAP Compass DashboardExit Disclaimer. There, you will find helpful tools to guide your engagement with the dashboard, including a user guideExit Disclaimer and fact sheetExit Disclaimer.
As a part of our commitment to community and stakeholder input, we encourage RWHAP Compass Dashboard users to provide feedback and inform future updates by submitting questions or comments to the RWHAP Compass Dashboard support team at