HRSA Shares First Look at Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative Data

Content From: Antigone Dempsey, MEd, Director, Division of Policy and Data, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesPublished: March 24, 20212 min read
HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

Over the last year, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) has implemented the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative effort by funding Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B jurisdictions. Recipients used innovative strategies to link people who are either newly diagnosed with HIV, or diagnosed but currently not in care, to essential HIV care, treatment, and support services. These services help people with HIV access care and treatment in order reach HIV viral suppression and reduce transmission. HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau has collected data about these RWHAP’s EHE efforts.

During the first six months of this effort, HRSA’s RWHAP EHE data demonstrate great progress achieved by the funded jurisdictions. RWHAP served nearly 10,000 people with HIV with EHE services. Of those served, 6,300 were new to RWHAP and an additional 3,600 were re-engaged in EHE care and treatment services. These nearly 10,000 people are a promising sign of progress toward meeting the year one goal of 18,000 people newly engaged or re-engaged in the RWHAP through EHE.

Overall, despite the challenges presented by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), RWHAP EHE recipients made significant progress toward implementing their EHE work plans. This progress included developing administrative and service delivery infrastructure, engaging with community members and new partners, and delivering services to clients.

RWHAP EHE recipients differentiated EHE activities from existing RWHAP activities as:

  • Leveraging new technologies, such as telehealth and mobile apps;
  • Developing and implementing new service delivery models and programs, such as rapid antiretroviral therapy initiation, community health workers/peer navigators, differentiated service delivery, and mobile care/outreach; and
  • Supporting new infrastructure development, conducting data-to-care projects, and building relationships with new partners.

HRSA HAB would like to acknowledge the important work Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program EHE recipients, subrecipients, and community members in the implementation of the EHE initiative, while also responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

For more information on HRSA’s RWHAP role in the EHE initiative, visit: