ICYMI: New Media Interventions @ AIDS 2018

Content From: HIV.govPublished: October 16, 20182 min read
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In case you weren’t able to attend the 22nd International AIDS Conference  (AIDS 2018) held earlier this year in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from July 23-27, 2018, or even if you were there but missed this fantastic presentation, HIV.gov wanted to catch you up on some exciting research on how new media (in other words, social and digital media) can be used to further HIV prevention, care and treatment.

In a pre-conference session  on Sunday, July 22, 2018, Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Professor of Epidemiology at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and  co-director of the Prevention Sciences Core at Emory’s Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), defined new media and described its recent rise, and then went on to discuss the potential impact of HIV interventions on MSM both in the U.S. and beyond, before exploring how new media can help increase the scale of sexual health interventions.

Dr. Sullivan went on to describe two interventions in depth that are currently being evaluated to determine their effectiveness, HealthMindr and Keep It Up, before ending with an overview of the other work that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Emory Center for Innovative Tec

Check out Dr. Sullivan’s presentation below:

For more coverage of AIDS 2018 from HIV.gov. check out our blogs and live video from the conference.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can use new media, digital media and social media to reach those living with or at risk for HIV infection, sign upExit Disclaimer for no-cost, personalized technical assistance from HIV.gov’s Virtual Office Hours experts.