Key Federal World AIDS Day Speeches
The week of World AIDS Day is always an important and busy time for the HIV community. Our partners work especially hard to lend visibility to HIV awareness and to educate people we may not reach the rest of the year.
We end this week by showcasing several key voices in the dialogue for HIV/AIDS awareness:President Obama spoke at the White House observance of World AIDS Day on December 2. We can take hope in his significant announcement about NIH funding for research, in the renewal of the PEPFAR initiative, and in our collective progress on responding to the epidemic.
Secretary of State John Kerry then spoke on PEPFAR’s many accomplishments and acknowledged the work we still have to do to stem the global epidemic.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius highlighted national progress in addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic, identified challenges in the work ahead, and spoke on three things -- the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, the Affordable Care Act, and Medicaid expansion -- that will help our nation move forward.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), spoke on Ending the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: From the Care Continuum to a Cure.
Watch the event video to hear remarks from all the speakers, including Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy. We hope you will take inspiration from these remarks, and join these leaders in working together for an AIDS-free generation.
What did you say about HIV awareness for World AIDS Day ? Let us know how you observed this important HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.