National HIV Testing Day 2019: Events Focus on HIV Testing and Diagnosis

National HIV Testing Day (June 27, 2019) and the proposed Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America have a common message: diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible.
Every year, for National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), we highlight HIV testing events. The following NHTD events represent efforts supportive of the goals of NHTD and Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America.
Get Tested in Montgomery, Alabama
In addition to offering testing as part of the Greater Than AIDS/Walgreens NHTD Community Partnership, Medical Advocacy and Outreach (MAO) will offer additional HIV testing hours at MAO’s Montgomery location with a few more perks. The first 25 people who receive their first HIV test and complete an anonymous onsite survey about their experience with stigma will receive a gift card. MAO publicized its event on the CDC events page.
Or, Get Tested in New York City
New York Knows and over 75 community partners are offering a June 25th event with giveaways, a live DJ, a photo booth, and a cheer squad. Agencies will provide free HIV testing, blood pressure screening, nutritional information, Hepatitis C testing, and STI testing in Union Square Park. New York Knows is an initiative of the New York City Health Department to help residents learn their HIV status and take full advantage of the City’s HIV care and prevention services. This event is detailed on this NHTD events page.
Learn your HIV Status in Washington, DC
On June 27th, Damien Ministries will offer free and confidential HIV testing, games, prizes, and gift cards for everyone who tests, while supplies last. This event is described on this CDC NHTD events page.
More HIV testing events are happening all around our nation this week. Many are listed on the CDC NHTD events page.
Communicating about HIV Testing and Diagnosis
We’ll be posting this week about National HIV Testing Day and the importance of HIV testing and knowing one’s status. You can also visit the NHTD page for newly added communication resources from across the federal government and from community partners and visit our HIV Basics section for information about HIV testing.
As we move to mark other HIV Awareness Days in 2019, we will continue to share examples of local activities. For more about Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, visit the plan section of