National Take Back Day is April 28

Content From: HIV.govPublished: April 25, 20181 min read

National Take Back Day is April 28 Audio Narration

DEA National Rx Take Back Logo

Cross-posted from Get Smart About Drugs

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will be Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. National Take-Back Day is a safe, convenient, and responsible way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.

Last fall's Take-Back Day event collected a record-setting 912,305 pounds of prescription drugs. The Drug Enforcement Administration first launched its Take-Back Day in 2010, and since then has collected more than 9 million pounds of medicine from the public.

Check DEA's official Take Back Day website for information and to find collection sites near you.

Watch the Take-Back day PSA below:

(Watch the Spanish of version of the PSA hereExit Disclaimer)