HIV Vaccine Research: Update from NIH’s Dr. Dieffenbach from 2nd Day of AIDS 2016

Content From: AIDS.govPublished: July 19, 20161 min read

As the second day of the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) came to a close in Durban, South Africa, we caught up with Dr. Carl Dieffenbach again via Facebook LiveExit Disclaimer to get his thoughts on some of the day's highlights. He is Director of the Division of AIDS at NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

This was "HIV vaccine day" at AIDS 2016, according to Dr. Dieffenbach, since there were several important presentations about advances in ongoing HIV vaccine research. These included details on the launch of a large vaccine trial that will involve 5,200 people in South Africa and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa.

In case you missed it, you can view the recorded version of the Facebook Live conversation with his colleague Anne Rancourt below.