#NLAAD is Social

Content From: Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govPublished: October 11, 20162 min read


NLAAD 2016 group shot

On October 15, many communities will mark National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD.

Today we offer social media resources for your communication around NLAAD.


Using the hashtag #NLAADExit Disclaimer connects you with the larger conversation. These are some handles that are talking HIV and NLAAD:@HIV.gov Exit Disclaimer

@NLAAD Exit Disclaimer

@talkHIV Exit Disclaimer

@infosida Exit Disclaimer

Join @NLAADExit Disclaimer & @LULACExit Disclaimer for the #NLAAD Twitterchat tomorrow, October 12, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.

Watch (and perhaps go) Live on Facebook:

Have you watched our Facebook Live session with two of the U.S. Conference on AIDS 2016 Social Media Fellows? Alex Castro-Croy and Jesus Manuel Cotto Carrero spoke with Michael Alonso of the Broward County (FL) Health Department in our first-ever Facebook Live event en español Exit Disclaimer. The dialogue may give you ideas about using social media to reach Latinos on and beyond NLAAD and about the impact of HIV among these populations. If you are posting on your Facebook page, look for cover art and more images from CDC and the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign.

Find Services:

To find places to get tested, use the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator to locate nearby clinics. We’ve got an app for the Locator too. Visit our HIV basics page to find out more about HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment facts and resources.

Learn about the Strategy:

Watch and share the Our Strategy: HIV Community Voices from across the United States video Exit Disclaimer, and read and share the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, available in English and Spanish .

Get covered:

NLAAD is just a few weeks away from the November 1st start of open enrollment for health insurance coverage through the Marketplace. Please visit Healthcare.gov and CuidadoDeSalud.gov. There are four new Spanish language videos from the ACE TA CenterExit Disclaimer that talk about key health insurance termsExit Disclaimer, what’s coveredExit Disclaimer by insurance, where to goExit Disclaimer for different types of health care, and tax creditExit Disclaimer.

More Resources:

The HIV.gov NLAAD page collects HIV related resources from across the US Government.

Additional HIV-related resources are available from:

CDC's Act Against AIDSExit Disclaimer: @talkHIV

Affordable Care Act Espanol @CuidadoDeSaludExit DisclaimerHIV.gov Recursos en EspañolOffice of Minority Health: @SaluddeMinorias

InfoSIDA: @infosida

We encourage you to follow the HIV.gov blog this week and beyond, as we continue to report on responding to the epidemic and the communities most affected by HIV.