Want to stay abreast of changes in prevention, care, treatment or research or other public health arenas that affect our collective response to the HIV epidemic? Or are you new to this field?
HIV.gov curates learning opportunities for you, and the people you serve and collaborate with.
Stay up to date with the webinars, Twitter chats, conferences and more in this section.
Today’s observance of National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD) is the ninth annual commemoration. Since the first NNHAAD in 2007, much has changed in digital communications and in our collective response to HIV. To support NNHAAD in 2015, HIV.gov is using multiple social media platforms:
Although it is a relatively new platform, InstagramExit Disclaimer is an increasingly active space for communication and is generating wide attention with vibrant, compelling images. We invite you to look at our presence on Instagram and to engage with us there today and beyond NNHAAD. We’re lending visibility to NNHAAD on our FacebookExit Disclaimer page, so connect with us there too. Here’s our latest post on using images to share resources.
HIV.gov’s Pinterest boardExit Disclaimer has been updated for NNHAAD! We’ve pinned images from the community, and we are sharing resources from our Federal partners, such as the Facing AIDS in Native Communities video from the Indian Health Service and the CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together and HIV Treatment Works campaign videos that share stories from Native community members. We’ve been pinning since February 2014, and we established our NNHAAD board to expand the availability of vibrant images that support HIV awareness. Be sure to follow our board for some ready-to-share images!
Our handle, @AIDSgovExit Disclaimer, will be joining many others to tweet about HIV and Native communities and to offer resources to expand online communication about NNHAAD. We encourage you to join the conversation with the hashtag #NNHAADExit Disclaimer. Follow us, and follow the community organizations speaking out to “Honor our Ancestors, Protect our People, Take the Test.”
More HIV.gov resources to use and share for NNHAAD: