Register Your National HIV Testing Day Events!

Content From: CDC NPIN - National Prevention Information Network, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPublished: May 20, 20192 min read
Logo for National HIV Testing Day - June 27

Cross-posted from National Prevention Information Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

June 27 is National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), an annual observance to raise awareness about the importance of HIV testing and encourage people of all ages to get tested. This year’s observance is especially important in light of the federal initiative to End the HIV Epidemic. The NHTD 2019 theme is Doing It My Way. It focuses on how and why people can make testing a part of their lives—on their terms and in their way.

Please support this year’s observance by:

  1. Planning an event for June 27 that includes HIV testing
  2. Registering your event on the NHTD website to help with its promotion
  3. Joining a webinarExit Disclaimer on Wednesday, May 29, at 2:00 pm EST to learn more about CDC’s NHTD plans and resources

You can also promote your event through press activities, sharing NHTD materials, and by asking others in your community to get involved and spread the word.

Thank you for your support of NHTD!

To mobilize people online this NHTD, CDC is promoting #DoingItMyWay (#HaciendoloAMiManera), a campaign highlighting how and why people can make testing a part of their lives—on their terms and in their way. The theme creates opportunities to share stories that encourage more people to test for HIV, normalize the concept of testing, and remove the stigma around testing. The campaign encourages HIV/AIDS champions, partners, and general audiences to use the hashtags #HIVTestingDay, #DoingItMyWay, and #HaciendoloAMiManera on their social media channels and share when, where, and/or how they’re #DoingItMyWay and getting tested for HIV.

In response to the growing number of HIV infections in at-risk communities, NHTD was launched in 1995 by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA), which closed in 2013. Today, NHTD is an annual event promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), other federal government agencies, national and local organizations, and health departments from across the country.