Ryan White and Native American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Cross-posted from TARGET CenterExit Disclaimer
HIV rates among American Indians/Alaska Natives are lower than rates reported among most racial/ethnic groups but higher than rates among Asians and whites, according to the CDC.
According to 2016 HRSA client-level dataExit Disclaimer, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) clients who achieved viral suppression increased steadily from 2010 to 2016, from 69.5% in 2010 to 84.9% in 2016. Rates are roughly comparable for RWHAP clients who are American Indians/Alaska Natives (83%).
March 20 is National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
TA and Training Resources
Several resources have been developed to address HIV/AIDS among Native American and Alaska Native populations. Highlights include:
- Clinician's Guide: Working with Native Americans Living with HIVExit Disclaimer. This document is for medical providers, and it summarizes cultural challenges and solutions for delivering HIV/AIDS care to Native Americans. The guide was developed in 2002 and has since been updated.
- BESAFE: A Cultural Competency Model for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native HawaiiansExit Disclaimer. This cultural competency guide, one in a series of such resoursesExit Disclaimer, is for health-care professionals providing services to these populations. The guide is based on the BE SAFE framework (Barriers to Care, Ethics, Sensitivity of the Provider, Assessment, Facts, and Encounters).