The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program: A Resource at National HIV Testing Day

Dr. Laura CheeverThe Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau funds programs and providers who play a critical role in finding and providing care to people living with HIV (PLWH). As we observe National HIV Testing Day this June 27, the HIV/AIDS Bureau recognizes the critical importance of HIV testing and diagnosis for prevention and treatment of HIV.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funds a comprehensive system of care that provides HIV primary medical care, treatment, and supportive services to people living with diagnosed HIV infection in the United States. In 2013, an estimated 524,675 individuals received at least one Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded service, reaching approximately 56% of all those diagnosed with HIV in the U.S.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 1.2 million people aged 13 and older are living with HIV infection in the United States, and 14% of these people are unaware of their infection. People with HIV who know they are infected can receive antiretroviral medication which lowers the level of HIV in the blood, reduces HIV-related illness, and reduces the spread of HIV to others.
This Testing Day, HRSA encourages those at risk to get tested for HIV. If your test is positive, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program can help you get the care and treatment you need and find a provider. For more information about the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, visit