Thunderclap! Sign up for the National HIV Testing Day Thunderclap

Content From: CDC NPINPublished: June 22, 20172 min read
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National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is June 27, and we invite you to help us make some noise: Join in the #HIVTestingDay NHTD ThunderclapExit Disclaimer and help send the theme for this year’s testing day, Test Your Way. Do It Today., to millions across the nation and the globe.

Last year, the NHTD Thunderclap had a social media reach of over 2.5 million people because of support from across the nation.

The 2017 National HIV Testing Day ThunderclapExit Disclaimer already has a social media reach of over 1.1 million, but we need more support to ensure this year’s #HIVTestingDay ThunderclapExit Disclaimer happens. The Thunderclap campaign must reach its goal of gaining 100 supporters to ensure that at 1 p.m. EDT on National HIV Testing Day (June 27), every account that joined will automatically send the message across the social media network about the importance and ease of testing for HIV.

Anyone with a Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr account can sign in and help expand the social media reach. With enough support, the Thunderclap hashtag (#HIVTestingDayExit Disclaimer) could trend on social media, expanding the reach even more. So whatever testing day events you have planned for National HIV Testing Day 2017, be sure to make this ThunderclapExit Disclaimer one of them.

 Many thanks to everyone for their support of this year’s National HIV Testing Day and the 2017 theme: Test Your Way. Do It Today.