At This Time, a Timeline for All

Content From: HIV.govPublished: June 05, 20191 min read
Screen shot of Timeline of HIV/AIDS, just showign years from 1998 to 1988 and decades to 2010s.

On June 5, 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published an article describing the first cases of what would come to be known as AIDS. Today we observe that anniversary, as we reflect on the history of the HIV epidemic in the United States and look ahead to the day when we can declare it to be over.

Today, we also recognize HIV Long-Term Survivors Day and acknowledge the lives and contributions of those who have lived with HIV for decades.

You can learn more about the history of HIV and AIDS in the United States in the updated Timeline of HIV and AIDS. As you reflect, we encourage you to read and share the information in the Timeline with others.

We invite you to look at Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America to see how we can achieve that goal and what we can accomplish with the right tools and approaches.

FYI: The June 2019 calendar also includes the annual observance of National HIV Testing Day on June 27th.