Twitter on the Rise

Content From: Mindy Nichamin, New Media CoordinatorPublished: June 05, 20122 min read

Last week, the Pew Internet & American Life ProjectExit Disclaimer released the 2012 versionExit Disclaimer of their annual report on Twitter use. As soon as I read the news about the report (via Twitter!), I shared it with the rest of the the team, released an tweet about it, and decided to write this blog post.

Since’s first tweet in 2008, Twitter on the Pew website):

  • 15% of online adults use Twitter, and 8% do so on a typical day (the rise of smartphones might account for some of the uptick in usage because smartphone users are particularly likely to be using Twitter).
  • Twitter use among 18 to 24-year-olds increased dramatically between May 2011 and February 2012, both overall and on a typical day basis.
  • 26% of 18-29 year old internet users are on Twitter.
  • 28% of African American internet users are on Twitter.
Twitter Usage Over Time

As an example of how powerful a tool Twitter is for, just last week we tweeted about updated information from the CDC on HIV among gay and bisexual men. that summarizes tweets and articles shared by Twitter accounts that you follow and are following you. This is another way to receive information most-talked about by the HIV community.

Interested in HIV/AIDS updates, and don't yet follow on Twitter? It’s not too late to startExit Disclaimer. The HHS Center for New Media also has a directory of HHS accounts and more resources on Twitter here.