Two Good Freebies from

Content From: HIV.govPublished: March 14, 20192 min read
A woman talks on her cell phone. Social Media Lab. Don't leave without a plan for using social media! VIsit the lab in the in the Chicago A-D Rooms to get 1-on-1 TA wth a social media expert: Tues. and Weds., 10:00 am - 5:00 pm provides two free ways for communicators and others to increase their effective use of social media and digital technologies: social media labs at national conferences and appointments through our Virtual Office Hours program.

#1: Social Media Lab at the National HIV Prevention Conference

The National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC)will be held March 18-21, 2019, in Atlanta. We’ll be offering a Social Media Lab to help attendees build their understanding and expertise in using social media and tools like apps and chatbots. Whether you’ve been to one of our labs or it’s your first visit, we can help you to:

  • Reach more clients and retain them
  • Easily create simple educational images and graphics
  • Save money on outreach
  • Brand your organization or create your professional brand

Dates and Times

The Lab will be open Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the Chicago A-D Rooms at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta.

You don’t need an appointment—just drop in on your own or bring your team! We’re pleased to collaborate with CDC staff and other federal partners to provide this service.

Bonus!!! We’ll be offering mini-presentations during lunch hours on March 19 and 20. Here’s a couple of the topics: “Live Video on Any Budget!” and “Enhancing Your Social Media and Digital Strategy.” The NHPC program book and app will detail all the mini-sessions, including those offered by our CDC colleagues.

#2: Free for Everyone: Virtual Office Hours

We know some of our blog readers may not be able to get to a conference where we’re offering a Lab. That’s one of the reasons makes our Virtual Office Hours service (VOH) available year-round. This free, personalized technical assistance can help HIV program staff (federal or in the field) learn to use digital tools and social media channels more effectively. These one-on-one meetings provide an opportunity to ask ANY question about social media and digital tools and receive personalized help.

Hint: You can use a VOH appointment to ask the questions that occurred to you AFTER a visit to one of our Labs—or to take your work to the next level. After you book a VOH appointment (Tuesdays/Thursdays from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST), we’ll contact you for your own phone-based conversation.

P.S. Another Freebie

We’ll be blogging from NHPC. For news about the conference please subscribe to the blog, like the Facebook pageExit Disclaimer, and follow @HIVgovExit Disclaimer, @CDC_HIVAIDSExit Disclaimer and @CDCNPINExit Disclaimer.