USCA 2015: Preparing, Reflecting on 25 Years

Content From: TARGET CenterPublished: September 11, 20152 min read
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Let us press a metaphor. With just a day to go, NMAC staff were busy before the start of USCA2015, ironing out the details in the exhibit hall. USCA is being held in Washington, D.C. this year.

Less than a mile away from the pre-conference preparation, a White House event was underway to commemorate the 25 years of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. AIDS czar Douglas Brooks reflected on the Program's work while Dr. Laura Cheever of the HRSA HIV/AIDS Program talked about the need to improve retention in care, to in effect build upon compelling data Exit Disclaimer documenting the impact of Ryan White on health outcomes--particularly viral load suppression.

Jeanne White Ginder, Ryan's mom, also attended, remarkably still at it speaking up about HIV stigma. Also there was Senator Orrin Hatch and former Representative Henry Waxman, both instrumental to passage of the Ryan White CARE Act, other Congressional leaders, and Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy.
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25 Years of ImpactMeanwhile, back to the exhibit hall, it didn't take much to find someone who had something to share about the impact of the Ryan White program, like Ed Barron, setting up his booth across from the TARGET Center table. He has lived with HIV for 29 years and once depended very much on the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP). A few years ago, Ed shifted to expanded Medicaid in his state of New Jersey. He has been on the New Jersey HIV Planning Group for two years, evidence that voices like those of Ryan and Jeanne White Ginder are still making the Ryan White program something unique.
Ryan White: Helping with Care Coverage
Said Ed, Ryan White still matters to people living with HIV, filling gaps and serving as a "good bridge for people as they transition to mainstream coverage" under the Affordable Care Act, providing services like medical case management.
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HRSA's ACE TA CenterExit Disclaimer is helping agencies adjust to new Affordable Care Act coverage and helping consumers make transitions. JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc., manages ACE and has developed numerous tools and webcasts to help Ryan White and other agencies enroll clients in ACA coverage and help them utilize their new coverage.

Learn more about ACA enrollment assistanceExit Disclaimer from the ACE TA Center.