USCHA 2024 – Join OIDP Conference Activities and Sessions

Content From: HIV.govPublished: September 09, 20246 min read


USCHA conference

Note: Please track the current weather updates about the hurricane/tropical storm and visit USCHAExit Disclaimer for updates on the conference. 

The HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) is facilitating workshops on the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA), syphilis, the OIDP Black Women’s InitiativeExit Disclaimer, federal program updates, and HIV awareness days, and more at the 2024 U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDSExit Disclaimer (USCHA). OIDP is hosting technical assistance sessions on generative artificial intelligence (AI), America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD), and more, and will have an exhibit booth. USCHA will be held from September 12 to 15.

If you cannot attend, please follow our live updates from USCHA on We encourage USCHA attendees to join OIDP at our conference activities.

OIDP will also be co-facilitating a listening session on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) with the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, and we encourage conference participants to attend on Friday, September 13 from 6:30 7:30 pm. Please follow for information on upcoming additional opportunities for input into the development of the next iteration of the NHAS.

Highlights: OIDP Team Members' Participation at USCHA

OIDP Conference Sessions – Wednesday, September 11 through Sunday, September 15

Wednesday, September 11 – A Conversation with Federal Officials – A Commitment to Black Lives - 2:45 – 3:45 pm, Ballroom (Pre-conference Event)

This panel will engage federal officials regarding their commitments to sustaining unique strategies and programs such as the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Minority AIDS Initiative, and the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, and their commitment to Black lives, and more. The panel’s moderator, Marlene McNeese, will be joined by Robyn Neblett Fanfair, MD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Francisco Ruiz, White House Office of National AIDS Policy; and Timothy Harrison, PhD, OIDP, HHS.

Thursday, September 12 

Presidential Advisory Council HIV/AIDS (PACHA) Listening Session - 1:45 – 3:45 pm, Strand 11, Level 2

The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) provides advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary of HHS regarding programs, policies, and research to promote effective HIV diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and quality care services. Join this event with PACHA’s leadership, which includes a PACHA-to-the-People community engagement session, to hear about what other attendees are experiencing in their work.

The Future of HIV Awareness Days: A Discussion - 4:00 – 6:00 pm, Strand 13A, Level 2

To address a continuously expanding calendar of HIV awareness days, this workshop provides an opportunity for a discussion about communication activities and resources to support awareness days while addressing the abundance of HIV observances. Attendees will also hear an update from community leaders on efforts to evaluate and improve our awareness day outcomes.

Friday, September 13

Federal Institute: A Federal Update on HIV Programs and Taking a Syndemic Approach - 8:00 – 11:00 am, Bolden 6, Level 2

This session brings together federal partners to discuss important federal HIV programs and efforts to implement a syndemic approach to address the HIV epidemic in the U.S. The Federal Institute will be facilitated by Kaye Hayes, MPA, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infectious Disease and Director, OIDP, HHS.

Shaping our Future – Listening Session for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and Syndemic Plans - 6:30 – 7:30 pm, Strand 12, Level 2

Join this listening session to provide valuable feedback about the next iteration of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. You will also have the opportunity to provide insights on developing comprehensive National Strategic Plans for STIs, vaccines, and viral hepatitis. Francisco Ruiz, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, and Timothy Harrison, PhD, Principal Deputy Director, OIDP, HHS, will co-facilitate the session.

Saturday, September 14

Federal Updates & Listening Session on Syphilis, Substance Use, and HIV - 9:00 – 11:00 am, Bolden 6, Level 2

This workshop will provide updates on the impact of the syphilis epidemic in the United States, efforts of the National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Task Force regarding the impact of syphilis in the HIV community, and a discussion about the intersection of substance use and HIV. This workshop will include presentations from federal and local experts highlighting best practices and a Q&A segment.

Make it Make Sense: HIV Care and Prevention for Southern Black Women - 9:00 – 11:00 am, Strand 12, Level 2

This interactive workshop aims to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration between community members, healthcare providers, policymakers, and advocacy groups to address the unique challenges faced by Black women in the South regarding HIV prevention and care. It will feature facilitated discussions—leveraging lessons learned from the OIDP Black Women’s Initiative—led by federal government experts and small group activities to identify varied perspectives on best practices and potential strategies that will enhance and sustain HIV programs and services for Black women in the South over multiple years. The workshop aims to empower communities regarding improving HIV prevention and care for Black women in the Southern states.

How the EHE Initiative is Improving HIV Outcomes in the South - 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Strand 10, Level 2

This session will include an overview of recent Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative outcomes from federal agencies and highlight key initiatives that have decreased new infections and increased care and treatment for people with HIV. The panel will include community representatives from the southern U.S.

Sunday, September 15

Expanding the Reach of HIV Communications Through Generative AI - 9 – 11 am, Imperial 5A, Level 4

Since began exploring the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in early 2023, it has carefully used generative AI to create its blog and social media content. It has also offered individualized technical assistance for those interested at national events. This workshop will explore’s use of available generative AI tools to create content and analyze traditional and social media content. will co-facilitate this session with academic and community voices, and attendees will receive hands-on learning experience in developing AI prompts, an essential skill in the years to come. 

OIDP Conference Activities - Thursday, September 12 – Saturday, September 14

AHEAD Office Hours (Imperial 10, Level 4). America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD) tracks progress toward goals outlined in the EHE initiative. This activity provides AHEAD stakeholders and users with one-on-one technical assistance on AHEAD and an opportunity to preview the new dashboard features and data visualizations.

Office hours are Thursday and Friday, September 12 and 13, respectively, from 9 am – 5 pm, and Saturday, September 14 from 9 – 11 am. Office hour sessions are limited and by appointment only.

AI and Social Media Lab (Imperial 10, Level 4). The lab provides attendees with one-on-one technical assistance regarding the use of generative AI in communications and social media. Join to enhance your knowledge and use of AI and social media to help improve your communications regarding the promotion of HIV federal resources, programs, and policies.

Island Exhibit Booth (509). Our exhibit booth, featuring, for example, banners promoting the national strategic plans and the “I am a Work of ART” national viral suppression campaign, is a space for USCHA attendees to engage with OIDP staff and contractors. Stop by our booth to see messages from OIDP leadership and the USCHA schedule of activities.

We look forward to seeing you at USCHAExit Disclaimer from September 12–15 in New Orleans!