USG @ AIDS 2012 Video: Phill Wilson and Miguel Gomez

Content From: HIV.govPublished: July 27, 20121 min read
Phill Wilson and Miguel Gomez at AIDS 2012
Phill Wilson and Miguel Gomez at AIDS 2012In his remarks at the Monday plenary of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012Exit Disclaimer), Phill Wilson, Founder and Executive Director of the Black AIDS InstituteExit Disclaimer and member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, gave delegates an update on the epidemic in the United States.

“We are at a deciding moment in the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic. This is our moment. This is our opportunity to begin the process of an AIDS-free generation and I am very, very hopeful,” Mr. Wilson told Director Miguel Gomez in an interview immediately following the plenary.

Recent scientific advances and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act offer new opportunities to create an AIDS-free generation, he noted. However, in the coming months and years, many organizations must retool to meet the changing needs of the epidemic, he added.

The full interview is below. Visit USG@AIDS2012 to learn more about the U.S. government’s activities at the conference.

A webcastExit Disclaimer of Mr. Wilson’s June 24th plenary presentation is available from the Kaiser Family Foundation.