Using Social Media to Promote Health and Wellness for Gay and Bisexual Men

Content From: HIV.govPublished: September 22, 20152 min read
SFAF - logo - for new media blog Sep 2015

The San Francisco AIDS FoundationExit Disclaimer (SFAF) will launch - a new center for health and wellness for gay, bi and trans men - in October. The program brings together the foundation's free services for sexual health, substance use, and mental health and community engagement and support. asked Andrew Hattori, SFAF’s Director of Marketing & Communications, to tell us how the organization is using social media to promote the launch of the new program - Strut:

“We’ve started using our existing channels on FacebookExit Disclaimer and TwitterExit Disclaimer to introduce Strut to the community. We’re hoping that partner organizations around the country will promote and share information about Strut. Because we know our Facebook followers in particular react well to video, we created a video that introduces the center and our approach to supporting a healthy community.” (See below)

“In order to introduce the new brand to the community, we launched strutsf.orgExit Disclaimer and FacebookExit Disclaimer, TwitterExit Disclaimer, and InstagramExit Disclaimer pages, too. We uploaded the ads we createdExit Disclaimer, which will appear in print, in outdoor advertising spaces, and online, so people can share them to show their support. Our Facebook followers can also see behind-the-scenes photos of the space.”

“During construction, we launched our ‘See Yourself Here’ campaign at, which features pictures of real members of the community. This campaign showcases community members who provide their own images to show support for the center. Users tag photos of themselves on Instagram with the hashtag #seeyourselfhere. Those photos automatically appear on the website.”

“Finally, when we get closer to opening the doors in October, we’ll be expanding content at strutsf.orgExit Disclaimer to include resources about sexual health and HIV testing, substance use and harm reduction, and community support. Hours of operation and a calendar of events will also feature prominently on the site.”

Tell us how you are using new media to promote your programs!