Using Twitter at the HIV Prevention Leadership Summit
At CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN), we have embraced social media as a key tool in developing and maintaining strong partnerships. As a CDC project whose purpose includes HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STD, and tuberculosis informational support to prevention partners, stakeholders, and other constituents, we realize the benefits of sharing key messages, new resources, and current news in a quick and easily-accessible format, with the additional ability to build relationships and alliances.
Part of NPIN’s mission is to “provide timely information and resources to prevention partners through innovative approaches to knowledge/information transfer”. To help further that mission, NPIN will be using Twitter at the HIV Prevention Leadership SummitExit Disclaimer next week in Washington, DC. We’ll be using Twitter to support and encourage attendees’ conversations and provide virtual attendees with up-to-the-minute updates on the conference, plenaries, and workshops.
What will NPIN be tweeting at HPLS?
- Tweeting live from conference plenary sessions and other selected sessions. If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can follow conference tweets on the Twitter widget on the NPIN homepage.
- Live tweeting during plenaries and selected workshops. Let us know which sessionExit Disclaimer you would most like for NPIN to live tweet. You can submit your choice to us via FacebookExit Disclaimer, TwitterExit Disclaimer, or e-mail.
- Conducting TwitterViews with key stakeholders, prevention leaders, and CDC-funded organizations throughout the conference. You can follow the conversations on NPIN’s Twitter pageExit Disclaimer, and they will all be posted in full on NPIN’s Facebook pageExit Disclaimer.
How can you use Twitter to get the most out of the conference?
- Follow the #2010HPLS hashtag on Twitter to follow along the conversations.
- Use the official hashtag #2010HPLS anytime you tweet conference information. This way, others who are not attending the conference can still learn and follow the activities taking place.
- NPIN will be streaming #2010HPLS tweets at our booth (#504) and on the NPIN homepage.
- Meeting up and Tweeting Up! On Monday, December 13, at 5:30 p.m. (ET), NPIN and will conduct a session to teach new users about Twitter and discuss potential uses for their prevention campaigns. Then on Tuesday, December 14, at 4:30 p.m. (ET), we will host a TweetUp to give everyone a chance to mingle with experienced social networkers at the NPIN booth (#504).
Through social media, NPIN hopes to learn more about partners’ and CDC grantees’ thoughts about information presented at the conference, their individual programs, and how we can all develop stronger connections through tweeting together as well as through more traditional communication and collaboration methods.