We’ll Defeat AIDS CON GANAS: #NLAAD Twitter Chat

October 15th marks the 14th annual observance of National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD)! HIV continues to have a disproportionate impact on many Hispanic/Latinx communities in the United States and six Dependent areas. Hispanics/Latinx accounted for approximately 1 in 4 (24%) of individuals newly diagnosed with HIV during 2014 (LULAC) co-leading

this year’s Twitter Chat. The Twitter Chat will take place on Wednesday, October 12, at 2:00 pm (ET)/11:00 am (PT) using the hashtag #NLAADExit Disclaimer. To help participants seamlessly answer the chat questions, view tweets, and share, we set up a chat room in in TweetChatExit Disclaimer.
During 2012, Pew Internet Research noted that, although 60% of Hispanics social media users mostly or only access content in English, 29% said they do so only in Spanish Exit Disclaimer. In our effort to raise awareness among as many Hispanic/Latinx communities as possible, the NLAAD Twitter Chat will be in both Spanish and English concurrently. Questions will be posted in both languages and we welcome participants to tweet in Spanish, English, or both.
Participants will gain and share information, resources, and thoughts that contribute to HIV/AIDS awareness among Hispanic/Latinx communities.
Join @NLAADExit Disclaimer and @LULACExit Disclaimer in taking this year’s NLAAD theme, “We’ll Defeat AIDS Con Ganas,” to Twitter!