What’s Happening at the 2019 Rx Summit? Follow along on Social

Content From: HIV.govPublished: April 23, 20191 min read
A speaker from the 2018 National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit

The Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin SummitExit Disclaimer, happening this week in Atlanta, GA, is an annual gathering of stakeholders to discuss what’s working in opioid prevention and treatment. The Summit brings together professionals from the medical, mental health, public health, law enforcement, and education sectors, who are all working to end the opioid crisis in the United States.

The use of social and digital media at the conference has served to share news and research from the Summit with those who can’t attend and has provided another way to unite professionals from different sectors.

To follow along on social media, search for the hashtag #RxSummit2019Exit Disclaimer on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.