Why #APHA2016 is a great place for social media conversations

Content From: Pavni Guharoy, Communications Director, AIDS.govPublished: October 25, 20163 min read

APHA 2016Exit Disclaimer, the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting, brings together over 12,000 people from the U.S. and around the world for conversations about public health initiatives. For the HIV.gov team, those conversations also present an opportunity to highlight the ways in which digital tools can help our public health colleagues amplify their work and extend its reach, as well as, find new partners in the HIV response - especially for communities of color. That’s why we team up with APHA to offer the Social Media Lab.

What is the APHA Social Media Lab?

The Lab is a friendly space to ask questions about anything that interests you--from how to set up an Instagram account and create lively images to understanding social analytics and creating a social media strategy. Our goal is to spark a conversation that will help you improve your outreach to your audiences, get your messages across, and measure your success. (Curious? Watch the lab in action in this APHA 2014 video)Exit Disclaimer.

Where: Colorado Convention Center – E concourse. (Look for us between the escalators that go down to the Mile High Ballroom.)

When: Monday, October 31, and Tuesday, November 1, 10:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M.

How: Book your slot hereExit Disclaimer or walk in.

Mini Sessions:

Within the Social Media Lab, we will host 10 minute sessions about topics that we are frequently asked about. Check out which sessions you’d like to attend.

Monday, October 31

  • 2:10 p.m. A Social Coalition: Making it easy for groups to share information
  • 4:10 p.m. Finding Your Voice: Blending the Professional and Personal to Create Your Brand

Tuesday, November 1

  • 12:10 p.m. Making the Most of Your Ghost: Engaging Audiences with Snapchat
  • 2:10 p.m. We're Engaged! Creating Content to Build Relationships and Support with Followers on Social Media
  • 4:10 p.m. Social Media 365: Creating and Managing an Editorial Calendar
3 Reasons we are excited about the APHA Social Media Lab:
  1. More people, more conversations: #APHA2016Exit Disclaimer is the largest gathering of public health professionals in the country. It provides a great opportunity for conference attendees to receive tailored social media training--no matter where you’re from or what health arena you cover.
  2. A starting point: The conversations we start in the APHA Social Media Lab are just the beginning. We can continue to support and advance your social media efforts via Virtual Office Hours - our free, phone-based sessions. We’re here to help each Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-4:00 p.m. (ET). All you have to do is sign up!
  3. Working Together: We value collaborations. By teaming up with APHA to offer the Lab, we can offer all conference attendees this unique in-person service. And we get an opportunity to learn from those already using digital tools in their communities.

David Fouse, Director of Communications, APHA said, “We’re thrilled to work with HIV.gov again and offer the lab to APHA 2016 attendees. We’ve seen an enthusiastic response from participants over the last several years who come for expert assistance on everything from logging on and engaging followers to planning campaigns and evaluating impact. They’ve all walked away with tools to help them better achieve their public health goals.”

Have questions about using social media for your work and coming to #APHA2016Exit Disclaimer? Sign up for Virtual Office Hours, tweet usExit Disclaimer, or send us a Facebook messageExit Disclaimer.