World AIDS Day 35 Activities and Events: Reminders

Content From: HIV.govPublished: November 28, 20232 min read



As the global HIV community prepares to commemorate the 35th anniversary of World AIDS Day, follow to stay up to date on upcoming activities and events from our colleagues from the White House to the State Department and across the U.S. government. Visit our World AIDS Day page for logos, resources, and more information.

Save the Date – Livestream

On Monday, December 4 at 1:30pm ET, watch a livestreamed conversation hosted by The White House’s Harold J. Phillips will be joined by Caroline Talev, Senior Management Analyst in the HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) and Alternate Designated Federal Officer, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Tune in to’s FacebookExit Disclaimer and YouTubeExit Disclaimer pages, as well as OIDP’s LinkedInExit Disclaimer page to watch the conversation, which will highlight federal World AIDS Day activities and emphasize the importance of remembering those we’ve lost throughout the HIV epidemic.

Three World AIDS Day Videos

Kaye Hayes and Dr. Timothy Harrison share their personal memories of people lost to the HIV epidemic, including two former PACHA members and Dr. Harrison’s brother, Todd. Watch the conversation hereExit Disclaimer. Dr. Harrison is joined by LCDR Neelam “Nelly” Gazarian as they share their touching reflections on family members they’ve lost in this video, which can be watched hereExit Disclaimer.

Also, watchExit Disclaimer’s conversation with Mr. Phillips as he discusses the importance of World AIDS Day, the progress made in HIV prevention, treatment, and research, the commitment of the U.S. government to ending the HIV epidemic, and other topics.

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