Join the World AIDS Day Thunderclap for HIV Testing & Services

Content From: Mindy Nichamin, New Media CoordinatorPublished: November 26, 20132 min read


thunderclap screenshot

We know that using social media can be a powerful way to communicate our messages, and we're always looking at how we can amplify those messages even more.


Last August,, a new online tool designed to create action with social media (you can view the webinar hereExit Disclaimer). It inspired us to think about how we could use that service to amplify some of our messages about HIV/AIDS.

Creating our Thunderclap

ThunderclapExit Disclaimer describes itself as “the first-ever crowd-speaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together.” After assessing the site, we at signed up to host a campaign. Thunderclap provides each host with a customizable landing pageExit Disclaimer that features a message (140 characters or less) with a link related to a campaign. We set supporter goal size (100 people), who then grant permission for the message to be released through their own Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tumblr account(s). If our Thunderclap does not reach its supporter goal, our message is not released.

Once the Thunderclap campaign reaches its goal of gaining enough supporters, the message will be broadcast through supporters’ social networks simultaneously at the date and time the host picked. The idea is that the message “rises above the noise” of social networks “creating a wave of attention.”

How can you use it?

To create a successful Thunderclap, four components are recommendedExit Disclaimer:

  1. Strong brand assets (visuals, video, etc.)
  2. A specific event and time
  3. A message that resonates
  4. An engaged network

Thunderclap has a guide to designing your campaignExit Disclaimer, and you can browse current Thunderclap campaigns hereExit Disclaimer. One example from the HIV community is the #Empowered Thunderclap from Greater Than AIDSExit Disclaimer.

How are we using it?

On World AIDS Day, we want to talk about HIV as widely as possible - especially with those we may not reach during the rest of the year. We thought hosting a Thunderclap would give us the potential to reach widely and loudly, within and beyond the HIV community. After some brainstorming, we developed a World AIDS Day message that links to the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator tool. The campaign is now in progress, and we want to make a big impact! As of today, we have four days left to reach our goal of at least 100 supporters. But it doesn't end there - the more people who sign up as supporters, the more the message will be amplified.

We hope you join us on Thunderclap by sharing our World AIDS Day messageExit Disclaimer. For more information on World AIDS Day, visit our World AIDS Day page. How are you incorporating new tools, like Thunderclap, into your social media strategy for World AIDS Day and beyond?