National HIV Testing Day: Deondre’s story

Tests tend to make a lot of us very nervous. Though we may study and prepare, there always seems to be some sort of anxiety or nervousness that comes with taking them. For me, it‘s the thought of not knowing 100% what the end result will be. The truth is that we don’t always get the results we wanted, and that sometimes causes us to be afraid.
That fear has deterred a lot of people from taking an HIV test. It may sometimes cause us to think, “Is it even worth it?” The answer to that is YES!
Knowing your current HIV status is very important. Some people think they know their status because they had one HIV test at some point in time. But the truth is that your previous HIV test results expire every time you have unprotected sex.Knowing your current status shows that you care about both yourself and the well-being of your sexual partner(s); it can also give you a sense of relief. Ultimately, that knowledge will make you stronger.
If you get a positive test result, know that it is not the end of the world, and that you will be ok. If you don’t believe that, look at me. Here I am, two years after testing positive at the age of 19, and I’m healthier than I’ve ever been. The reality is that I would not be this healthy if I had never tested for HIV, so I’m proud and thankful that I did. I’m proud because taking an HIV test was taking control of my health and overcoming the fears that I had about HIV.
It’s National HIV Testing Day, and what better time to go out and get tested? Today is a day on which our country recognizes the importance of testing and knowing your HIV status. As a nation, we’re coming together to help put an end to the AIDS epidemic once and for all--and that starts with you. Today, I ask that you stand with the millions of other American across the nation, take an HIV test, and become “Greater Than AIDS.” To find a convenient testing site, visit the Locator. Be engaged and use your social media platforms to encourage friends and family to get tested for HIV. Share with us why it’s important to #KnowYourStatus Exit Disclaimer. I will be live tweeting and engaged on a few social media platforms on this day and will be answering any questions that you may have, so please reach out and connect. My TwitterExit Disclaimer @Thetall_dude.
I look forward to engaging with you!
Deondre Moore, Black Voices Blogger, Greater Than AIDS Ambassador and HRC Intern

Editor’s Note: In recognition of National HIV Testing Day and #NHTD Exit Disclaimer .
Doing It: National HIV Testing Day Blog Hop
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