November's Top 10 Ways the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Improves the National Response to HIV/AIDS

Content From: HIV.govPublished: November 16, 20101 min read


Last week, we announced that we'd be posting monthly National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) Top Ten lists to reinforce key parts of the NHAS. Today's post is November's Top Ten list.

By 2015, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy aims to:

Reduce new HIV infections

  1. Lower the annual number of new infections by 25%
  2. Reduce HIV transmission by 30%
  3. Increase the percentage of people living with HIV who know their serostatus from 79% to 90%

Increase access to care and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV

  1. Increase the proportion of newly diagnosed patients linked to clinical care from 65% to 85%
  2. Increase the proportion of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients who are in continuous care from 73% to 80%
  3. Increase the number of Ryan White clients with permanent housing from 82% to 86%

Reduce HIV-related health disparities

  1. Improve access to prevention and care services for all Americans
  2. Increase the proportion of HIV-diagnosed gay and bisexual men with undetectable viral load by 20%
  3. Increase the proportion of HIV-diagnosed Blacks with undetectable viral load by 20%
  4. Increase the proportion of HIV-diagnosed Latinos with undetectable viral load by 20%